
Sexual Wellness Test

A Single Test for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea & Trichomoniasis

Simple Healthkit's test kit is an easy-to-use and physician-approved at-home test with quick results.


Now $75

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Simple HealthKit’s test uses a single urine sample, collected at home to provide quick and actionable results.  If you receive a positive test result, you can request a telehealth consultation on  Simple HealthKit’s portal at no additional cost.

 The test is NOT available in Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania & Rhode Island.

Kit Includes

Kit Includes

Simple HealthKit’s test uses a single urine sample, collected at home to provide quick and actionable results.  If you receive a positive test result, you can request a telehealth consultation on  Simple HealthKit’s portal at no additional cost.

 The test is NOT available in Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania & Rhode Island.

What is an STD?

An STD is a sexually transmitted disease that develops from an untreated STI (sexually transmitted infection). These come from sexual contact or intercourse and are caused by bacteria, parasites or viruses.

How does the test kit work?

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    Create an account on the Simple HealthKit Portal and register your kit.

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    Collect your sample, at home, using the instructions included in the test kit and mail your sample back to Simple HealthKit's CLIA-certified laboratory using the prepaid envelope.

  • 3


    Samples are processed at Simple HealthKit's CLIA-Certified laboratory and results are reviewed by certified personnel. You'll receive results via Simple HealthKit's secure HIPAA-compliant portal 24 hours after your sample reaching the laboratory. If your test result is positive, you have the option to request a telehealth provider consultation at no additional cost.

Who should get tested?

Anyone who is sexually active, having unprotected sex, has multiple sex partners, has new sexual partners. The USPTF recommends anyone with a vagina having sex and under 25 years old get tested for gonorrhea, chlamydia at least once a year.

People experiencing symptoms should also test. Symptoms include: burning or painful urination, foul smelling discharge, itching, pain during sexual intercourse, fever, or rash.

You should also test if you have been notified by your partner that they have been infected or if you are someone that was forced to have sexual intercourse or contact against your own will.

Frequently asked questions


    Simple HealthKit believes healthcare should be for everyone, from anywhere. We develop patented PCR assays in our CLIA-certified laboratory, which have the ability to deliver accurate and clinical-grade results within hours to patients. We provide an end-to-end testing experience – results are delivered via our HIPAA-compliant portal and can seamlessly connect a patient to a telehealth provider for treatment (if they choose).

  • What is included in the kit?

    The test kit will include a collection tube, a sample label, a transfer pipette, a urine collection cup, a biohazard bag and a prepaid return envelope.

  • How do I register my kit?

    First, fill out your name, date of birth, and collection date/time on the sample label. Apply the label onto the collection tube. Next, visit our portal at to complete the kit registration with the sample ID located on the sample label.

  • Why take an STD test?

    Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis are the most common sexually transmitted infections in the US. All of these infections are curable when detected early and that’s why testing for these infections is important.

  • How often should I test?

    Men and women who are sexually active, having unprotected sex, have multiple sex partners, new sexual partners and who have been having sex with the same sex should test often.

    You should also test if you are someone that has been notified from your partner that they have been infected or if you are someone that was forced to have sexual intercourse or contact against your own will.