Effective solutions for acne are here for you.

Loss of confidence, scarring, pain— we understand. Pandia is here to help with safe, scientifically-proven care.

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Covered by 
most insurance


Easy refills & follow-ups

Hormonal care matched to your biology

Online doctor consults

Personalized treatment plans

Plant-derived hormones

Covered by 
most insurance


Easy refills & follow-ups

Hormonal care matched to your biology

Online doctor consults

Personalized treatment plans

Plant-derived hormones

For medications we accept almost all insurance*, including but not limited to:

What is hormonal acne?

Acne is experienced by about 50% of young women, though it affects all ages and genders.

Hormonal acne is caused by the overproduction of sebum (skin oil). Imbalances in your hormones are often the root cause, with symptoms worsening pre- or -post menstrual cycle. You might also have symptoms like irregular periods, excessive hair growth, or hair loss. No matter how your acne shows up, our doctors can provide solutions better than anything over the counter– tailored for you.

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Why Pandia

Pandia harnesses decades of research and a thorough understanding of medications to help you reduce trial and error and get back to feeling yourself again. Pinpointing the best treatment, we make an individualized plan for you. The best part? We’re a one-stop shop for everything from consult to delivery.

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Meet Your Team

You’ll want a specialist for that. We’ve got you covered.

We make working with a doctor easy. One of our acne specialists will guide you to the right solutions for your skin. Feel better faster, minimize scars, and reduce emotional distress. We’re on your team.

Meet Our Doctors

Clearer skin is possible!

Cut the suffering-- and the stigma.

We are here to help you feel safe in your own skin, with medications that really work. Overall, many skin types need roughly the same things, but some people are a bit more sensitive to hormone fluctuations than others. No matter the symptoms or severity, you’ve come to the right place.

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Topical vs. Oral

Whatever you need, we’re here to help with an assortment of acne-treating medications.

Topical acne solution

For mild to moderate acne, we offer topical solutions to balance skin and kill bacteria. This can come as hormonal or antibiotic based therapy, depending on what’s right for you.

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Oral acne solution

For more severe cases, we offer oral medications, which can also be antibiotic or hormonal. No matter what the needs are, we quickly identify them and get you covered.

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Available medications

Oral acne treatment

What’s in our ingredients

The following active ingredients can help balance your skin. We’ll help take out the guesswork to find what’s right for you.


Vitamin A-derived retinoid to treat acne, also improving facial lines and dark spots.


Fights bacteria, killing current pimples and preventing future outbreaks.

Azelaic Acid

Fights hyperpigmentation and calms skin redness.

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Your skincare journey

Taking back your skin health is an easier process than you might think. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

Weeks 1-4

Add your treatment to your daily regimen and begin to notice improvements.

Weeks 4-8

Continue to experience positive changes to your complexion.


Enjoy the full results. Follow up with your doctor to stay on track.

While you may start to see results in as little as one week, full benefits are usually achieved after 3 months of treatment.

What Our Customers Are Saying

“Amazing!! Cara has always taken care of me and responds quickly. She makes sure that I get my prescriptions right on time whenever I need them. Very impressive”

- Kennedy

“Amazing!! Cara has always taken care of me and responds quickly. She makes sure that I get my prescriptions right on time whenever I need them. Very impressive”

- Kennedy

“Amazing!! Cara has always taken care of me and responds quickly. She makes sure that I get my prescriptions right on time whenever I need them. Very impressive”

- Kennedy

“Amazing!! Cara has always taken care of me and responds quickly. She makes sure that I get my prescriptions right on time whenever I need them. Very impressive”

- Kennedy


1,931 Google reviews


Hormonal Treatment

Birth Control pills are really good for those that want/need them. They are FAR more effective than abstinence or condoms for preventing unplanned pregnancies. They can be used to treat acne, anemia, bad cramps, PCOS. They can be used to turn off your periods Did you know that you can skip your periods??? As Dr. Berg pointed out – they can decrease your risk of several cancers.


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Yes. Generics, by law, have the same active ingredients as their name-brand versions. Generics may differ on the inactive ingredients.


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Unfortunately all birth control pills have a tiny amount of lactose. If you want vegan, we have the twirla patch. Or you can ask your doctor for other patches, the ring, or see a doctor in person for the IUD, implant, shot. Another option are vegan condoms + spermicide.

Twirla is a birth control patch that has estrogen and levonorgestrel. You change it once a week. We have a special deal with them if you do NOT have insurance such that it’s only $50/3 patches vs. usually $150+. If you have insurance, it should be covered with NO copay, no deductible. Learn more about it here.

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Yes. Generics, by law, have the same active ingredients as their name-brand versions. Generics may differ on the inactive ingredients.


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Yes, in the state of California, you can get birth control without your parents knowing. Minors have the right to get treatment for the prevention of pregnancy without requiring their parent’s permission. However, you will have to pay for the treatment or have to sign up for special insurance to cover it or they have to contact the insurance and tell the insurance company that they want “privacy.”

To pay for the treatment, you just need a credit card. (We don’t accept Venmo or other payment yet)

To sign up for special insurance, go to http://www.familypact.org/Get%20Covered/what-does-family-pact-cover and go to the top R and fill in your zip code, and it will give you a list of clinics you can go to sign up for Family PACT insurance which covers birth control confidentially.

You can also tell your insurance company that you want your birth control treatment confidential. Find out how here.

We encourage minors to talk to their parents, but if they can’t then we want to help young people prevent unplanned pregnancies. It is also important to prevent sexually transmitted infections by using condoms in order to have a healthy sexual life.


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Unfortunately all birth control pills have a tiny amount of lactose. If you want vegan, we have the twirla patch. Or you can ask your doctor for other patches, the ring, or see a doctor in person for the IUD, implant, shot. Another option are vegan condoms + spermicide.

Twirla is a birth control patch that has estrogen and levonorgestrel. You change it once a week. We have a special deal with them if you do NOT have insurance such that it’s only $50/3 patches vs. usually $150+. If you have insurance, it should be covered with NO copay, no deductible. Learn more about it here.

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Some pills may be better than others. Very-low-estrogen pills that contain drospirenone, desogestrol or norgestimate seem to have the greatest negative impact on libido and vaginal dryness, so if you’re taking one of these, talk to your doctor about whether it’s contributing to any symptoms you might have. Use a silicone lubricant, and ask your doctor for a prescription for hormonal creams to apply to the opening of the vagina. And know that you are not crazy.

Dr. Goldstein discovered that about 5% of women have a genetic variant that results in a defective or inefficient testosterone receptor. These women require much more testosterone to keep the vulvar and vaginal tissue healthy and for their glands to function normally. The effects are not obvious until testosterone levels become lower than normal, but that happens to every woman who takes the pill.

So, in women with this genetic variant, the problem is threefold:

  1. The pill causes the ovaries to produce less total testosterone and less is in a usable form.
  2. The synthetic progesterone found in newer birth control pills poisons the testosterone receptor at high doses.
  3. The testosterone receptor doesn’t work well, making it extra dependent on high amounts of testosterone being present.


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You won’t need to speak to one of our doctors to transfer an existing prescription. Our doctors only communicate with patients who use our telemedicine service.


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You won’t need to speak to one of our doctors to transfer an existing prescription. Our doctors only communicate with patients who use our telemedicine service.


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Start today! Feel at home in your own skin.

No more trial and error trying to find the right acne medication. Find out what a personalized care journey looks like for you.

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