
Women need your help

We partnered with the Center for Policy Analysis (a C3 nonprofit) to create the Pandia Health Birth Control Fund to provide telemedicine consultations and birth control to women who cannot afford it otherwise.

Women are uninsured or have no insurance

Women struggle with the cost of prescription birth control

Young women have experienced a time they couldn’t consistently afford birth control

Benefits of birth control

Fewer missed days at work, school, and college

Reduce acne and menstrual migraines

Diminish severity of period pain,excessive bleeding, and anemia

Reduce number of abortions and unplanned pregnancies

Decrease risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer

Decrease landfill

Help a woman today!

For each donation, Pandia Health will provide a Free telemedicine visit to get a prescription for birth control.

Birth Control Besties


A whole year’s worth of pills ($20/month for 13-cycles)

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Contraception Champions


Unconstrain giving (e.g. for education or Emergency Contraception)

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Reproductive Rockstars


1 pack of birth control or a Telemedicine consultation to get a prescription

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Every dollar counts.

Be part of our mission by helping a woman in need. Make your donation today! If you need help you can apply for financial aid here.