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January Newsletter 2022

Happy New Year!  Did you make any resolutions?  If not, don’t worry. Pandia Health has compiled our favorite 5 resolutions to help you live a happier and healthier life (because who’s happy when they are not feeling well?).

Here are 5 New Year’s resolutions for healthier & happier living:

dorctor patient

1) Schedule your annual check up with your doctor. Start off the year right by prioritizing your health! Scheduling your yearly appointment at the beginning of the year will save you the hassle of trying to squeeze it into your busy schedule later on. If your doctor is not available, consider Pandia Health’s telemedicine services to cover your birth control or acne needs.

girl veggies

2) Eat veggies daily. Regardless of the reasons, it is never a bad idea to add veggies to your diet. To improve your heart health, include fiber-rich vegetables like carrots or beets. According to the CDC, most individuals benefit from eating 2-3 cups of vegetables per day.

skin water

3) Take care of your skin. Having flawless skin starts at the foundation – and we don’t mean the makeup! Adding moisturizer and sunscreen to your routine will ensure that your skin stays strong and healthy. And for that stubborn acne, Pandia Health has you covered.

4)Drink up (8 glasses of water a day). Did you know you are more likely to wake up dehydrated after a restless night of sleep? During later stages of sleep, you release a hormone responsible for your body’s water conservation. So hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and… hydrate some more on those days! If that’s not enough to convince you, remember that drinking water is also beneficial for your skin and digestion.

worry less

5)Chill out. 2021 was a challenging year for many reasons. You may notice that you feel extra anxious lately, and that is totally understandable! That said, it’s important to note that chronic anxiety can cause headaches, stomach problems, high blood pressure, and more unpleasant health conditions. Don’t forget to take care of your mind and body – try exercising, meditating, getting more sleep, or whatever your body is lacking!

provisional Real Talk

Upcoming Livestream Event!

Trendy Tuesday Live. Real Talk: Consent & Condoms
This Tuesday we will be joined by Joni & Esther with SexEdBootCamp and Mila Impola with One Condoms to discuss condoms and consent. We’ll cover hot topics such as affirmative consent, condom stealthing and more. Tune in via Instagram, Facebook or Youtube at 5:30pm PST, and bring your questions.

See you there!

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