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How Moms Can Stay Connected During COVID-19

Medically reviewed by Sophia Yen, MD, MPH – Written by Pandia Health Editorial Team

Such a lovely surprise to see your face, dear reader! Of course, it’s just via a computer screen like everything else nowadays with COVID-19 causing us to hunker down in our homes. Raise your hand if the only Vitamin D you are getting right now is from your computer’s blue light rays ?‍♀️

Anyways, for those of you who are on birth control — or looking to start taking it — now is a great time to consider getting birth control in your mailbox. It’s unsafe and time-consuming to go to a pharmacy given the current infectious circumstances so #SkiptheTrip to the pharmacy and get your birth control sent to your house with FREE delivery, automatic refills, and goodies like tea, hi-chews, chocolate and much more!

Still need more convincing?

Here are 5 pros of Pandia Health:

  1. It is the ONLY Women Founded, Women-Led and Doctor Led company in birth control delivery.
  2. Expert birth control specialist doctors are available to help you find the birth control pill, patch, or ring for you.
  3. All major private insurances are accepted except for Kaiser
  4. Provides educational resources here on the blog and social media channels!
  5. Did we mention FREE birth control delivery, automatic refills, and swag items?!

Every day, Pandia offers women the care, convenience, and confidentiality that they deserve when it comes to their reproductive health. In these unprecedented times, it is especially important that all women — single mothers, working parents, and students — are getting the services they need.

Pandia delivers your contraception for free, making it easier to the social distance which keeps you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Let’s be honest — no one enjoys wearing those suffocating N95 masks, surgical masks, or homemade masks no matter how effective they may be, so might as well avoid lining up at the pharmacy as much as possible!

Hear from the CEO and co-founder of Pandia Health, Dr. Sophia Yen, on tips and resources for surviving COVID-19!

Being A Mom During COVID-19

Plus, if you are sheltering at home with your S.O., you’re probably engaging in that same activity at least once a week… if ya know what I mean. If you find yourself sexually active during this time without the intention of getting pregnant, it is imperative that you start taking birth control.

Doctor visits are not recommended during this outbreak if it’s a non-emergency situation; getting checkups is risky and a lot of hassle so better to avoid places where germs can be spread easily. But, fear not! Pandia Health offers online doctor’s consultations for prescriptions for the ring, patch, and all brands of the birth control pill, so you can choose the method that works best for you!

For all the moms out there, this is an especially weird time — you’re probably enjoying more special moments with your children while simultaneously ripping your hair out because they’re annoying the crap out of you, right? Well, if you need some extra support during this time, SocialMama is here to help!

SocialMama is an app that “provides opportunities for women to create meaningful mom friendships and build your mom tribe, without shaming or guilt.” Essentially, the site matches you with other mom friends based on interests, lifestyle, and unique needs. You can explore moms near you, post on the live Forum, and talk to real experts on motherhood matters. Check out how SocialMama is helping moms during COVID-19 here, here, and here!

Once you’ve joined the SocialMama community, head on over to the Pandia Health website! Coronavirus can’t take away the #PandiaPeaceofMind that comes when you sign up to get your birth control delivered to you for FREE!

The above information is for general informational purposes only and is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor/primary care provider before starting or changing treatment.

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